"The day I went into labor, she came to our home to make sure I could breathe & cope through contractions. [At The Birth Center] she helped my husband to be calm throughout labor & help him with techniques to comfort me."--Tiffany (read more testimonials here)
"I cant imagine a better doula and highly recommend her to anyone."--Jessy
Laboring with a client at The Birth Center. All photos used with permission.
Doula Service Options
Standard doula package: 2 prenatal visits (birth plan creation, labor positions, comfort techniques, breathing, etc), support during labor & delivery, 1 postpartum visit
Scheduled C-Section Support: 1 prenatal visit, calming support in pre-op, OR (if permitted by hospital), and post-op. Assistance with initial breastfeeding, first photos, etc. 1 postpartum visit
Additional prenatal visits or a la carte prenatal visits (for those not desiring a doula at labor)
Additional postpartum visits or a la carte postpartum visits (for those not desiring a doula at labor or using a different doula): mother and baby care, breastfeeding assistance, light housework and meal prep, laundry, errands, etc.
Postpartum Plan Creation: You made a birth plan, but don't stop there! Equally important, you need to plan for your first several weeks postpartum--who is coming to help? Where will meals come from? How to limit visitors? How to maintain your relationship? Your sanity? What about breastfeeding? Postpartum healing? Let me help you organize all the details.
Overnight Postpartum Doula Care: Having some not-so-silent nights? I provide overnight care for newborns and infants who are not yet sleeping through the night, so that parents can sleep in heavenly peace! Whether you are breast or bottle feeding, we can work out a system that allows you to catch up on some much needed rest.
"Rebecca was a Godsend. In pre-op, she used wonderful oils and gentle massage to help keep me calm. We chatted and joked like old friends. By the time I was in the OR, I was super calm and ready for my little one to enter the world."--Jessy (read Jessy's full story here)
"They [birth center] mentioned a doula, and I thought I wouldn't need one. After all, it was my third! Thank God we decided [on a doula] and thank God she was available. Rebecca was everything I never knew I needed"
- Ericka (read Ericka's full story here)
Supporting this laboring mother for a second time! All photos used with permission.